Our kickoff meeting that was held at the Depot on Wednesday the 15th was a success. We had a great turnout. If you were unable to make it to this meeting, there will be plenty of other opportunities to attend future events.
We discussed how we can best use the Chamber website and social media to promote our small businesses in the area. We discussed having more networking events for our community to participate. We also discussed future partnership opportunities within the county.
The Chamber's goal is to help further the interests of small business in the local area, and if we aren’t doing that, we are failing our mission. Your involvement is crucial in further shaping our future.
We also had our business afterhours event Thursday the 16th, at the Blind Pig by College Station Rd. in Athens. This was a fun event, and we met even more great people in the community. This will be an event we will have on monthly basis. The location will change each month.
Keep an eye out on the Chamber calendar for more opportunities to meet your community and get involved.